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This lovely little cross stitch was brought into us by a customer who wanted to give it to her friend as a birthday gift.
Almost all of our cross stitches come to us as an unstretched piece of fabric so to begin with, we stretch and lace them around a piece of conservation mount board. Some framers use adhesives to simply stick the artwork to an undermount however these can easily stain and damage the fabric.
Although more time-consuming, the method we use is completely reversible, in line with the Fine Art Trade Guild standards, of which we are proud members.
We then double mounted the piece using two shades of pale pink, and framed it with pale pink-beige moulding; subtle complementary colours which don't overshadow the vibrant thread used in the cross stitch.
We have been framing cross stitches since 2006 so if you need experienced and professional framing advice for your labour of love please call us on 01246 554338 or email us at sales